Disable OS Logging in XCode 8

Adi Nugroho
2 min readSep 15, 2016


If you’ve just updated to XCode 8. Run your project normally, like you always do in XCode 7 and then, boom, your console logging like crazy and filled with nonsense logging. And I bet you have difficulty to find and trace your own print / log.

Anything in here is nonsense for me :D

Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. It’s OS logging and fortunately, you can turn it off.

  • Open Product ▶️ Scheme ▶️ Edit Scheme …
  • Select Run
  • On Environment Variables, add OS_ACTIVITY_MODE with value disable

I hope Apple will disable this by default when they release the next patch.

Update : disabling OS_ACTIVITY_MODE sometimes will disable logs for all exceptions as well . Try above steps first, run your app, open Edit Scheme… again and uncheck the OS_ACTIVITY_MODE (don’t delete). This way, your exceptions will be logged but os activity do not.

Update 2: Happy news. XCode 8.1 remove this OS activity logging when debugging iOS app.

release note from XCode 8.1 beta 2



Adi Nugroho
Adi Nugroho

Written by Adi Nugroho

Product Maker... Learner... iOS Swift & Java + Kotlin Android Enthusiast. Blog in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

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